
Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Mindfulness Colouring

This week in CIP we watched a video about mindfulness colouring, this week we are also planning to design a colouring competition. We each had to get into groups of three and brainstorm some key questions that we think need to be addressed for our colouring competition. We had a group discussion and we were talking about where we could find papers for our colouring competition and.
In our group we planned to do a colouring competition for the cluster or primary school.

I really like this idea of doing a colouring competition because lots of people like colouring in and so do I, I really think that every primary school should do the colouring in competition because its a fun competition.  

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Friday, June 7, 2019


What am i grateful for?

I am grateful for my family & friends that always help me and I appreciate them.
I am grateful for a house that I live in
I am grateful for school because everyday I get to go to school and learn new things
I am grateful for cars and all the other vehicles because it can get you to wherever you need to be
I am grateful for my culture because I really like sharing my culture with others.
I am grateful for air that we can breath every single day.
I am grateful for foods we can eat because without food we will die from starvation
I am grateful for clothes we can wear and also school uniforms to wear to school.
I am grateful for everything.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019


For cip today we watched a video about kindness.

The video was about a little girl who went shopping with her grandma and brother, it was her granddad's birthday and her mother told her to go look for something special for her father for his birthday.
The little girl happily ran to where all the cakes were and she started looking, and she found a cake she wanted to get for her father, she was so excited to give her granddad the cake.
At the counter the cashier scanned the cake and it cost $48.99 but they didn't have that amount of money, so her mother asked the cashier to return the cake because they didn't have enough money for the cake. Her grandma quietly said to her " Sorry dear, maybe we'll get the cake next time", but she got sad and said angrily " That's what you said last time grandma".Then they took their grocery's and left. The man next in the queue saw that they didn't buy the cake so he told the cashier that he will buy for it, then he ran outside and gave the cake to the little girl but the grandma said " I'm sorry but there no need for you to buy it for us", he then said will you please accept it , so they accepted it.
The grandma then asked if he could write down his number so that they could pay him back when they have the money. Then the guy gave the letter to the little girl and said " Promise me you'd do the same thing". When they got home the little girl gave her granddad the cake and he was happy, then she gave him the letter and in the letter it said " A simple act of caring creates an endless ripple and that will come back to you , " The man in the queue". He then smiled because he was the man in the queue before.