
Tuesday, June 15, 2021

The Real One

 In english class we had to create a short film in a small group recreating the merchant of venice by Shakespare. Our group decided to recreate it but including catfish in our film. The characters in our fim are Sam, Jack, Amy & Liah. Our short film is about based on catfishing so we have Jack and Liah as our main characters, and Amy & Sa who will be the ones catfishing them, we as a group tried to be creative with this because it will make our film look interesting. For the filiming part of our film, Daisy our camera person porobably did 3 or more techniques because it looked really good and realistic. Acting was probably challenging because we had to keep a straight face even when we try to look professional infront of the camera, but we were glad we done it. I learnt alot from this film making and also learning something new about one of Shakespares plays. Something we could do differently next time is probably spend more time on our filming, because we didn't really finish our film but it still looks creative. 

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Reflection Section

 Date : 10.06.21

Text : Simon Sinek on Millennials in the workplace 

Text Type : Interview on Youtube ( inside quest)

Purpose : To help understand millennials and improve wellbeing through reducing screen time

Today as a  class, we watched Simon Sinek talk about millennials in the workplace. In this video Simon explained how to help understand millennials and also to improve wellbeing by reducing screen time. He explained how millennials were so caught up in things that aren’t important because they are always on devices, but instead they could be innovative, and see the bigger things in life. He talked about some ways we could help reduce millennials from screen time. He said a lot of examples of how millennials could be so impatient, that sometimes if they want something, they want it now, and they also want their phones 24/7 because they have become addicted to social media or whatever is on the phone. Reason why he is talking about this topic is because, it could affect their wellbeing when older because they might be spending more time on social media and less time on school work, they could fail in classes and subjects which is not good for them. He talks about how your phone can be next to you, and even if you're so focused on something else, your phone can still distract you from what you're doing even if it’s important. But if you're not distracted by your phone, you can look around you and you feel like you can see the world revolving around you, you feel different.  This was a really good video to watch because I can relate to this topic, because I am also anti-social, and I feel weird without technology nowadays. But I believe that this topic is an important one for millennials especially because some don’t know the effects of always being distracted by technology and that they can’t see the bigger and important things around them. 

Friday, June 4, 2021

Reflection Section

 This week in textiles, we had started making a project using the techniques we learnt about and also tried out. The four techniques we did were screen printing, batik, tie dying and marbling. For my project I decided to make a scrunchie, because I already know how to make one, and a scrunchie is very useful for girls, so why not!. Our task was to go onto our textiles slides, and research methods and equipment for scrunchie, then write them down on the slides. We had to make sure we had enough details about our method so those who don’t know how to make scrunchies can have a better idea on how to make one, and it would be easier. I choose to use the marbling technique for my project because I feel it's an easier technique, and I love using shaving foam, and then adding dye, it feels so satisfying. So after writing down all the equipment and the method on the slides, I am now ready to start making my project next week!