
Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Circuit & Modelling


Cell : Supplies energy to circuit, by pushing current from the positive to negative end

Voltmeter : A device used to measure voltage, or electrical potential energy difference

Ammeter : A device used to measure current in a circuit

Wire : A thin, flexible thread of metal

Resistor : An electrical device that resists the flow of electrical current 

Bulb : In a circuit, this shows if electricity is flowing by lighting up

Switch : A device that opens or closes circuit

Battery : A device that converts chemical energy to electrical energy

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Tuesday, November 3, 2020



Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Eye Dissection

Aim - To dissect a cow's eye and look at the different parts of they eye.

1 : Cow's Eye
2 : Newspaper
3 : Scissors
4 : Gloves
5 : Tweezers

1 : Set up a tray with newspaper on the desk, the tray on top and the scissors and tweezers in the tray.
2 : Put on a rubber glove
3 : Start to remove the excess fat and meat from around the eyeball before dissecting it
4 : Puncture a hole in the cornea where the cornea and the sclera meet.
5 : Cut around the corner so that the vitreous fluid leaks out of the eye onto the tray
6 : Once the cornea has been totally removed you will be able to move the lens from the iris
7 : Cut the eye in half so that the inside is totally exposed, Once this has been done you will be able to access the retina at the back of the eye.
8 : You should have now have placed the retina, lens , cornea and iris on a piece of paper.
9 : The dissection is now complete and all the parts of the eye need to be wrapped up and trashed. The trays and utensils that were needed must be rinsed and the rubber gloves thrown out.

Summary :
The cow's eye has exactly the same parts as a human eye except for its ability to see better in the dark. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Wednesday, October 21, 2020


 Reflection           light            reflected            normal           same          incidence

When ________Light____ hits a mirror, the angle at which it hits is the ___same________  as the angle at which it is _____reflected_______. Scientists called this the Law of Reflection. In correct science terms, the Reflection Law states that the angle of _____Reflection________ is equal to the angle of _____incidence________ when measured from the ____normal_____________

Wednesday, September 23, 2020


Subject Matter



Content/ Meaning

Insert image here

What do you see in the photograph?



- Dirt

Is your photograph in black and white or colour? 

  • Colour

How have you used focal points and leading lines? 

Possible to make a line from one soldier to another pointing to the dinosaur 


What was your initial reaction to the photograph?

Does the photograph include subject matter you don’t want? 

I don't have any unwanted subject matter

Do your figures stand-out from their surroundings or are they hidden?

They stand out

Do you use symmetry or asymmetry? Have you used the Rule of Thirds?

.Does  your photography appear to be a real scene? 


Because of the background?


What were your i-pad camera settings? 

  • Lighting 

If you do have unwanted subject matter, how would you change the next reshoot? 

What is the direction of the light? Is the light strong or soft? Do you have cast shadows? 

Is there a shallow or deep space represented? s your camera angle low or high? 

Does the photograph express an idea? Explain

Im not sure--

Do you use close-ups or distant views?

Wednesday, September 16, 2020


 Energy Transformation Experiment 

1 - Chemical + Electrical = Battery

2 - Light + Chemical = Lighter

3 Kinetic + Light = Flashlight

Aim : To make a marshmallow shooter that transform energy

Equipment : 

1-  Balloon

2- Cup

3- Tape

4-  Scissors 


1-   First cut the bottom of the cup to make a hole

2- Cut the top of balloon , not the part where you blow the balloon

3- Stretch the part of the balloon that you have cut and stretch it out so it can fit over the hole in the cup

4- Cello tape around the balloon to secure it 

5- Tie a knot on the part where you blow through the balloon

6 - Place a marshmallow in the bottom of the cup, so basically on the end of the balloon

7 - Then to shoot, pull the part where you tied the knot and let go

Conclusion : It was elastic potential energy, When we were pulling the balloon to make the marshmallows fly, they went up high but it depended on how strong the balloon was. 

Friday, September 11, 2020

End of life choice referendum

 In politics hurumanu we are learning about the government. Today we have been learning about referendum, which is a general vote by an individual and they have to vote yes or no. People who are allowed to vote have to be 18 years old or over, be a citizen or permanent resident of New Zealand, they have to suffer from a terminal illness that likely to end their life within 6 months, have a significant and ongoing decline in physical capability, experience unbearable suffering that cannot be eased and they have to be able to make an informed decision about assisted dying. There are some negatives and positives about voting, some negatives can be that doctors who are assigned to give patients the medicine might not feel comfortable doing this because doctors are the ones who help treat or save people. A positive is that the end of life choice is helping people with terminal illness and letting them decide not anyone else. I think that any age can vote or maybe those 10 years old and under, maybe their parents can help them decide?. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The marketing mix


 In business everyone is learning how to make a business with their team mates and how to sell their product. Our team has decided to make crunchy cheese rolls, we got this idea off YouTube and it looked delicious and was easy to make. My team are aiming to make our cheese rolls differently so they don't look like plain cheese rolls, we are to make sure they are all the same sizes so they are worth the price. To make our product we need all the ingredients which are , bread, evaporated milk, onions , mustard powder, white pepper, Edam cheese, onion soup powder, bread and softened butter.  Our product fits into the foods category. To make it easy for them to eat, they will be served on a serviette. 


How did you work out what price you were going to sell your product at? 

- We have decided to sell our product for $2.00  because we are gonna make a small size and a big size. We think that $2.00 and  is a reasonable amount to sell our product

How will you ensure that your product is worth the price you are asking people to pay ( quality control)?

- Buy 2 get a sauce packet for free

- We are going to make sure that everyone gets what they paid for so it is worth it

What price are others ( B&E group/real world business) charging for the same good ( Use a table to show this)

What else will you consider when it comes to the price of your product ?

- The size because we need to make sure they are all the same size so that it is worth the price and everyone is getting a fair amount and not wasting their money on buying our product



- A good location where we can set up and sell our product would be inside because we are serving hot food and we wouldn't want it to be cold. We don really mind because it depends if anyone wants to buy our product, but we kind of rely on people who walk pass and maybe ask them if they want to buy our product.  No one else is selling something similar to our product, and our product will stand out because no one else is selling them. 


- Our product promotion strategy is hanging posters of our products around the school. We do not mind whoever wants to buy our product because we are aiming to sell at least half of our product and make some money. Our team are only focusing on having a good quality product and the price, we are not worrying too much about the where we will set up because we don´t mind. Our product for any any age, so teachers and student and visitors can buy them.


Cheese rolls - Recipes - Eat Well (formerly Bite) 


 Energy is stored in an object, it is the ability to move something                                                              Different kind of energy

Light Energy ( The energy of the electromagnetic waves. Found in Microwaves, X-rays, and visible light)  - Flashlight , Burning Candle

 Heat Energy ( Caused by the movement of particles, Found in all hot objects) - The sun , Gasoline 

Sound Energy ( Energy produced by vibrating objects. Examples are speech, ultrasound and music) - A balloon popping, Air condition fan

Chemical Energy ( Chemical potential energy - means its stored - is energy in the bonds between particles found in substances like petrol and food.  - Coal , Gasoline

Electrical Energy ( The movement of electrically charge particles. Found in wires, generators and lighting) - Batteries , capacitor 

Gravitational Potential Energy ( Energy stored in objects due to their height above the ground ) - A yo yo before its released , A raised weight

Kinetic Energy ( Energy due to the motion of an object. Eg moving cars, running, swimming - Bullet from gun , Roller coasters 

Elastic Potential ( Energy stored in stretched or squashed objects. Examples are strings or rubber bands) - Trampoline , Bungees 

Wednesday, September 2, 2020


In our art option class we are learning about photography, we are looking at photomontage. Each one of us has created our own photomontage. We have also been learning about Hannah hoch who is a German artist that is best known for her artwork including her photomontage work.  We have been learning about this so we can learn new things about photography and create something creative. My photomontage I created was basically 3 different unusual sculptures.  Each image has different photo fragments that either have a face, hair or body that I have cropped out to make a new image.  My learning about photomontage or photography was very exciting because I created images by cutting , gluing, rearranging , and overlapping two or more images. And  my finished work looked kind of realistic. And I tried my best to be creative. I want the audience to comment on what they think about my work or how they feel about it

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

 In business studies class we are learning about entrepreneurs, here is a slide of my work   

Monday, August 10, 2020

Monday, August 3, 2020


Today in science class, we have been learning about conduction and convection. Period 5 we did an experiment using lighters, matches. scissors and teabags. 

Aim : To observe convection in real life.
Convection is when an object is being heated and then because it is hot it travels away from the source. 

1 : First we had to cut the top part of the teabag 
2: Then tip out the inside of the teabag
3: Then make sure the bag is standing up on the heat mat
4: Grab a lighter or matches ( Make sure to be careful when you are using them)
5: Carefully light the top of it with a lighter or matches
6 : Then after lighting it , make sure your not blowing your match out near the teabag 
7 :Then watch it increase in size and float up in the air

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Monday, June 22, 2020


Aim: To separate a solute from a solvent in a solution using Distillation.

Equipment: A solution of saltwater. conical flask, heatproof mat, a delivery tube and bung, Bunsen burner, tripod, gauze mat, retort stand, boss head and clamp, boiling tube.

         1 - Set up the equipment as shown in the diagram
         2 - Add approximately 50mL of saltwater to your conical flask
         3 - Light your Bunsen burner. Open the air hole and gently push the Bunsen under the tripod
         4 - Heat the solution until most of the solvent has been evaporated. Turn off your Bunsen burner

Hypothesis: I think that the color of the zero coke will change.

Results ( Observation) - After a while, I could see it bubbling, and the coke was turning into clear liquid and was going through the delivery tube.

Discussion : First we had a solution which was the coke, because of the heat it started bubbling, and we saw steam going up which meant it was evaporating, and the solution started going through the delivery tube, then it turned into clear liquid, which meant it was condensed.

Conclusion: The solution turned into a solvent, which was clear liquid, it changed to colorist, which means it the solution started off black and then the color changed to white.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Thursday, May 28, 2020


Today in hurumanu 3, for chemistry we did a filtration experiment.

Aim:   To Separate a solution from a precipitate (precipitate is the name for a solid that forms in a liquid during a chemical reaction).

Hypothesis: I think that everything is going to go through the filter

Method:  1. Pour approximately 50mL of copper sulfate solution into a beaker.
2. Add the same volume of sodium carbonate solution. A reaction will happen, you should see a cloudy blue precipitate form. Called copper carbonate. 
3. Watch demo then fold filter paper to fit inside the funnel
4. Place the funnel with the filter paper inside of it, into the mouth of a conical flask. 
5. Stir the mixture in the beaker, then carefully pour it into the funnel. 
6. Observe what happened.

Observations: After following our method we finally got the results and it wasn't what we expected. After pouring the mixture into the funnel, it went through and it came out clear.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

In health class, we are discussing about relationships, and weather online relationships is more important or if real life relationship is important. Some people may think that real life relationships is more important than online relationships, and others may think the opposite. I think they are both important as long as it is a healthy relationship, which include good communication, feeling comfortable with that person ( he/she) . And when talking about " relationships" it's not all about romantic relationship. It could be a relationship with your friends, your family or even with your teacher. Online relationship could be a little dangerous because you may consider that person who you are talking to a friend, but that person could totally be someone different, and it is really important to make sure to avoid that kind of situation. Real life relationships is where you can see that person in real life and not behind a screen. In conclusion online relationships and real life relationship are both important as long as they are healthy relationships.

The Scoop on Making Internet Relationships Work | LoveToKnow

Key to Healthy Relationships + Real-Life Situations | Inspire Kindness

4 Dimensions - HEALTH

In health, we have been learning about the 4 dimensions, which are Taha tinana ( Physical Well being), Taha Wairua ( Spiritual Well being), Taha Whengaro ( Emotional/Mental Well being) & Taha Whanau ( Social Well being).

Taha tinana is your physical well being. Your physical well being is about being active, going outdoors and getting fresh air, and playing sports with a team, or even taking a walk in the park. Not only is Physical well being about keeping fit, it is also about eating healthy, which is eating fresh vegetables and fruit everyday, always remembering to wash them before eating them. And making sure to get enough sleep, so you will be energetic the next day, and physical well being is also about staying hygienic, which is tidying your room, washing your bed sheets and pillow, so it will be a clean space in your bedroom, bathe or shower regularly, washing your hair often, trim your nails,  wash your hands before eating or sanitize, and most importantly is brushing your teeth before sleeping and flossing.

Taha Wairua is spiritual well being, and spiritual is definitely that everyone can connect to, because its not only about being spiritual, which is having your own beliefs or you having to believe in something because your family believes in it, for example being religious, having connections with god, which is what i believe in. Spiritual well being is also about having connections with your culture, maybe learning something from your grandparents or other family members, or having a specific item or valuable jewelry that represents how important your culture is to you. One thing that can also be a part of spiritual well being, is having hopes for the future, or knowing what to do when you leave school, or knowing what is important to you or what you think is important in life, so your making sure your taking the right path to a good future, or it might be spending time with your loved ones, or just living life.

Taha Whengaro is emotional and mental well being, which is one that can connect to the other 3 dimensions.  Taha Whengaro is about being in love or loving someone, which can also mean having a relationship, like boyfriend and girlfriend, not only that but it can mean having an honest, loving, caring  relationship with your friends and family, which is a healthy relationship. An unhealthy relationship is a relationship you have with someone, which you feel uncomfortable, controlled, violent or disrespect, and you feel sad and lonely, and sometimes you feel like you don't know what to do.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Climate Change in the future (2)

What places will be effected?
Around the coast of NZ

What else do we need to think about?
Building houses not on the coast

What other places around NZ will be affected?
Pacific Islands

What does this do to our drinking water?
Salt in the water

What are the main concerns?]
Flooding erosion 


What can we do?

  1.  Eat less meat
  2.  Recycle 

What is the one, silver bullet solution?

What is the mix of things we need to start doing?

What are 3 others you can think of?

My Investigation
Where does our food come from?

  • Choose your favorite food.
  • Sapasui ( Samoan Chopsuey)
  • Talo ( Samoan Taro)

  1. Upload a picture of it.
  2. Draw a picture of it on A4.    
Image result for sapasui and taloImage result for taro samoan
On your blog answer the following questions.

  • Where does the food come from (e.g. is it from another province or country, was it purchased or made locally)? 

   Taro root is a starchy root vegetable originally grown in Asia but now taro is           enjoyed around the world.  
   Where does taro and Chopsuey come from? 
   Taro root comes from the taro plant, it is native to Southeast Asia and also India.
   Chopsuey is a dish that is almost on every Chinese takeout menu, but Chopsuey does not come from china. According to culinary legend, Chopsuey was invented in August 29, in 1896 in NYC.
  •     How many kilometers away did the food travel to get to you?
                                            3,263 Kilometers ( Taro)
                                            14,369 Kilometers ( Chopsuey)

  • What are the main ingredients? 

Meat: Beef ( Chuck or ramp steak) or chicken ( Portions or boneless) or pork. 
Vermicelli Noodles ( Buy in packets)
Mushroom soy sauce


Taro is grown as a root vegetable for its edible starchy corn but it is also consumed as a leaf vegetable. 

  • How is the food packaged? 

  • What resources do you need to produce this food item (e.g. land, water, oil, food, etc.)? 

Taro needs to be grown in land areas 



  • Would this item have been processed? 

  • Is there anything unique or significant about the food item (e.g. fair-trade, local)? 

  • What else do you notice about this food that affects its climate friendliness? 

  • Do you think this food is climate friendly (Circle)?       YES   NO 

  • Why?
  • Food waste that decomposes in landfills releases methane, a greenhouse gas that is at least 28 times more potent than carbon dioxide

  • If no, what would be a better alternative?  


Aim: To test sample of food to examine weather it contains simple sugars. Testing foods simple complex protein.

Equipment: Bunsen Burner, Test Tube, Tong, Benedict's Solution, A sample of food.


Milk is not complex

Potato - N
Apple - N
Milk - P
Egg - P
Bread -  N
Sugar -   N

Complex Sugar
Simple Sugar

My Conclusion is that potato didn't have protein in it. Because obviously milk and egg are one of the food with protein in it.
                        " Children would learn better if lunches were provided by the school"

- I think every child that is going to school, MUST be provided lunch by their parents or caregivers.

- Children NEED lunches, because if not children will starve, and if they don't eat anything for 8 hours they may not get enough protein, and we need protein because it is important for muscle growth, and they might not be able to learn.

- But if children are being provided with a healthy packed lunch, then the children wouldn't have to starve, and they will also learn better.

- Children will also need a water bottle just in case they are thirsty, or maybe need it for after doing sports, or any physical activities.


Would children learn better if lunches were provided by the school?
In my opinion. I think children would learn better if lunches were provided, but not by the school, but by the parents or caregivers, and here is why i think that..

The reason why I think it should be provided by parents, or anyone who is looking after them, is because I believe that its a parents responsibility, just like how they drive or walk them to school. And if a child does go to school, without a packed lunch, then it basically just means that they are going to school, and not eating anything for 8 hours. And not only will they starve, but they might not also have enough protein, and we all need protein, and they also might not be able to learn better.

I believe that if children are being provided with lunch then, i think children wouldn't have to starve for 8 hours, and being provided healthy lunch is the best choice because then they could have nutrition throughout the day to learn, and focus in class.

Not only will a child need a healthy packed lunch, but u think they should also have a drink bottle with them to take to school, because they might be thirsty throughout the day, so they wont be dehydrated, and drinking water can also give them more energy to be able to play sports and physical activities at school.

So I believe that children who are going to school without lunch, should be provided lunch, because of all those reasons, and of course because they might have to starve, and especially a young child having to starve is not good for them. So " Would children learn better if lunches were provided by the school"?, my answer to that is, " yes they would learn better if lunches were provided, but I think parents and caregivers should provide them lunches because its their responsibility, and I think parents would love preparing lunches for their kids. What do you think?