I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 9 and in 2021 I will be a year 10. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Anton ( All Blacks)
Monday, August 26, 2019
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Climate Change in the future (1)
Aim; To look at the different ways we can prevent climate change in the future.
Changing Our Future
Name 3 fossil fuels?
What is the cost?
Carbon Dioxide
The CO2 level has soured since when?
Industrial Evaluation
What are the effects in the UK?
- Heat Waves
- Animal extinction
How many climate refugees will there be in Britain by 2050?
200 Million
200 Million
When will Fair born be flooded?
In the next 26 years
In the next 26 years
What are some of the other things that will be 'swallowed by the waves'?
- Gas Plants
- Power Stations
- Toxic Dumps
- Remove gas heating
- All cars/ buses need to use hydrogen or batteries
What ideas are school children having about climate change?
- Protesting
- Vote
- Write letter
What is the atmosphere called?
a Waste Dump
What is the last statement the reporter made?
We know what we need to do, we have got the. What we lack is the
_______________ w________.
What can we do?
- Use public transport
- Fuel efficient vehicle
- House that doesn't waste energy
What is the one, silver bullet solution?
There is no one silver bullet
There is no one silver bullet
What is the mix of things we need to start doing?
- Using renewable more for generating energy and electricity
- Using solar heating & designing buildings well
- Using electrical vehicles
What are 3 others you can think of?
- Reduce, Reuse & Recycle
- Use less hot water
- Use less heat and Air conditioning
Activity: Ranking climate change issues.
Using the worksheet, rank the issues from climate change.
Aim: To look at how I can prevent climate change in the future.
1. Complete the activity Ecological Handprint.2. Complete the activity Carbon Footprint.
What will you do to stop climate change? Using ideas from the Ecological Handprint and Carbon Footprint list 10 changes that you can make to stop Climate change?
The Years of Living Dangerously (Film, 59 min.)
Today for CIP, we have been learning about the All Blacks. As we all know the All Blacks is New Zealand's national rugby union team. So today we had to do an activity where in one box we had to write things about what we already know about the All Blacks team. Second box we had to write what we wanted to know, and third box we wrote what we found out about the All Blacks.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Hurumanu - Climate Change
Aim: To look at the causes of climate change and how to prevent it.
As you watch the video answer these questions:
What is our greatest threat in thousands of years?
- Climate Change
How do we see climate change affecting the globe?
- Floods
- Winds
- Storms
- Heat Waves
What is needed to change history?
- Take Action
Is climate change a man made disaster?
- Yes, because we are burning fossil fuels
Dramatic action must be made in the next ten years to change it?
Why is our climate changing?
- Because of one simple fact = Our world is getting hotter
What is causing the warming trend of the climate?
- Human Activities
What is the main problem?
- We are all using energy all the time and in the industrial world that energy is almost entirely fossil fuels
What are examples of these?
Burning fossil fuels releases what gas?
- Carbon Dioxide
How much hotter now is our world?
- Over 400
What do we call this global warming?
How is this affecting creatures / animals like bats?
- The heat
What percentage of species are near extinction?
- Some animals are not use to the climate change changing
How could this effect the world ecosystems?
- 8 Percent
What global change was seen and recording breaking last year?
- Wildfire
How is climate change affecting our weather systems?
The amount of water vapor in the atmosphere has in fact increased due to human- caused warming
2. When there is no moisture in the air, your gonna get more rain
3. With a degree Celsius of warming, there is no moisture
What is another effect of climate change?
- As the climate change warms, it changes the nature of global rainfall, evaporation, snow,stream flow and other factors that affect water supply and quality.
What will happen if the ice melts in Antarctica and the Arctic?
- If the Antarctic ice melted, sea levels around the world rise above 61 meters (200 Feet). But the average temperature in Antarctica is - 37 Celsius, so the ice there is in no danger of melting.
How does this affect people?
What other things affect oceans change?
- Due to climate change, as the ocean gets warmer, this too has an effect on the seafloor.
What does to much heat do to coral?
- Rising ocean temperatures can kill corals. Humans pumping more and more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and that is trapping excess heat and causing the surface of the planet to warm.
Why did some industries not want to stop burning fossil fuels?
Stop at 23.39
You can decide on how you would like to do this investigation. Your presentation could be on the blog, slides, or Powerpoint.
Write a definition, upload an image and list where these fossil fuels are mined.
- Coal
- Oil
- Natural Gas
- Coal is a hard rock which can be burned as a solid fossil fuel
- A viscous liquid derived from petroleum, especially for use as fuel or lubricant.
- Flammable gas, consisting largely of methane and other hydrocarbons, occurring naturally underground
Write a paragraph and upload an image about each of these renewable energy.
- Solar
- Wind
- Waves
- Hydro
Solar energy is radiant light and heat from the sun, energy is the ability to do work, and "solar" is a Latin word for the sun. So, we can define solar energy as energy obtained from the sun, we can put this energy to work for us in many ways, from heating water and living spaces within our homes to generating electrical energy. Wind energy is an electrical energy obtained fro m harnessing the wind with windmills or wind turbines. Wave energy, aka ocean energy or sea wave energy, is energy harnessed from the ocean or sea waves... Exactly, waves are created by the wind that passes over the oceans surface. Flowing water creates, energy that can be captured and turned into electricity, this is called hydroelectric power or hydro power. The most common type of hydroelectric power plant uses a dam on a river to store water in a reservoir.
China is the world leader in wind power generation
The National Energy Board of Canada expects that by 2040, solar power will generate 1.2% of the country's electricity while wind will provide 9.5%.
= Hydroelectricity is the largest renewable energy source in Canada, approximately 60 percent of Canada's electricity generation.
Write a 6 sentence reflection about what you have learnt about Climate Change and how it is going to affect us.
In science Hurumanu we watched a facts video about climate change and while watching the video, we had to try and answer some questions based on climate change. I learnt some new things about climate change that i didn't know before. First of all I learnt that our climate is changing, simply because our world is getting hotter. I also learnt that the main problem is that we are all using energy all the time and in the industrial world that energy is almost entirely fossil fuels. I think climate change is going to affect peoples lives and health which I hope not, the reason why I think this is because according to World Health Organization, Air pollution kills an estimated 7 million people worldwide every year.
Hurumanu - From Trash to Gas: Biomass
Aim: To compare the amount of gas that is produced from different types of biomass.

What is biomass?
Biomass is a renewable energy source because we can always grow more trees and crops, and waste will always exist. Some examples of biomass fuels are wood, crops, manure, and some garbage. When burned, the chemical energy in biomass is released as heat.
What are the 5 types of biomass?
- Garbage
- Wood
- Alcohol Fuels
- Crops
- Landfill
What are three benefits of biomass?
- It is less expensive than fossil fuels.
- It reduces the over reliance of fossil fuels.
- Biomass is always and widely available as a renewable source of energy.
What are three disadvantages of biomass?
- Biomass energy Can lead to deforestation.
- Biomass plants require a lot of space.
- Biomass energy is not as efficient as fossil fuels.
Research the following types of Biomass.
You will need to:
You will need to:
Write a definition of the each fuel.
Answer each question
- How is it made?
- What is it used for?
- Where is it made?
- What is it made with?
- What countries use it?
Place 2 images of the fuel.
What are its uses in the future?
What are its uses in the future?
Biomass types.
Name: Agricultural crops.
What are its uses in the future?
Name: Animal waste.
What are its uses in the future?
Name: Bio-gas and Landfill gas
What are its uses in the future?
What are its uses in the future?
Name: Solid waste
What are its uses in the future?
What are its uses in the future?
Name: Alcohol Fuel
What are its uses in the future?
What are its uses in the future?
Hurumanu - Recycling
Aim: To learn practical ways of recycling so that we can make our world a better place.
Video questions:
What has human activity done to our planet?Created global activity
What is Zero Waste?
Definition: One of the quickest and cheapest ways a community can immediately reduce climate impact
What stuff has a carbon footprint?
Everything (Boxes, Toothbrushes,Bags, Clothes & Food)
What are 4 easy things to help our planet?
What are 4 easy things to help our planet?
- Reduce
- Reuse
- Redesign
- Repair
What do we need to recycle?
- Cans
- Plastic
- Broken stuff
- Sharing things
- Glass
What does recycling do to our planet?
Releases CO2 Emissions
Releases CO2 Emissions
How much of our rubbish is made up of food scraps?
What does methane gas do to our planet?
Traps a lot of sunlight into CO2
What does methane gas do to our planet?
Traps a lot of sunlight into CO2
What does soil do to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
Cause carbon dioxide down from the atmosphere
What do using zero waste practices do to our planet?
Reduce, Renewable resources, to lower CO2 Emissions, Putting things into the right bin
Cause carbon dioxide down from the atmosphere
What do using zero waste practices do to our planet?
Reduce, Renewable resources, to lower CO2 Emissions, Putting things into the right bin
What is a carbon footprint?
What is your Carbon Footprint?
You are now going to look at your own carbon footprint by taking a questionirre. Remember to 'Add details to improve accurcay'.
Based on the questionaire what is your:
1. Ecological Footprint
2. Carbon Footprint
How many planets did you have?
What is your personal Earth overshoot day?
Name 4 of the tips.
- Change light bulbs
- Try to use fans instead of air conditioners and set your air conditioner to 20°C.
- Turn off any switches
- Close doors, windows and curtains

- Choose 6 items from the list.
- Investigate them using Google.
- Answer the 4 questions below.
- How long does this resource take to decompose?
- What resource / fossil fuel are they made from?
- How does making this object contribute to climate change?
- How is this resource recycled?
Plastic Bags:
- How long does this resource take to decompose?
10-20 Year
2.What resource / fossil fuel are they made from?
Plants, coal, natural gas or oil
3.How does making this object contribute to climate change?
Plastic Pollution
4.How is this resource recycled?
1. First you have to collect the plastic material so it can be recycled.
2. Sorting it
3. Washing it
4. Resizing
5. Identifying it and separating of plastics
6. And finally, Compounding.
- How long does this resource take to decompose?
2-4 Weeks
2. What resource / fossil fuel are they made from?
Wood, pulp, rice, water plants, cotton, even old clothes & you need fiber.
3. How does making this object contribute to climate change?
Paper pollution
4. How is this resource recycled?
Paper recycling mostly involves used/old paper with water and chemicals to break it down. Then the paper is chopped up and heated, which then the paper breaks down even more into strands of cellulose. Cellulose is a type of organic plant material, this mixture is called pulp.
- How long does this resource take to decompose?
1-3 Months
2.What resource / fossil fuel are they made from?
Chlorophyll is the molecule in leaves that uses the energy in sunlight to turn water (H2O) and carbon dioxide gas (CO2) into sugar and oxygen gas (O2).
3. How does making this object contribute to climate change?
High CO2 levels cause plants to thicken their leaves, which could worsen climate change effects.
4.How is this resource recycled?
Mulch Mowing
The easiest way to recycle fallen leaves is to simply leave them where them alone. Up to an inch or two of leaves can be mowed and left to break down in your lawn. That way it is adding nutrients and a bit of mulch to your lawn grass
4.How is this resource recycled?
Mulch Mowing
The easiest way to recycle fallen leaves is to simply leave them where them alone. Up to an inch or two of leaves can be mowed and left to break down in your lawn. That way it is adding nutrients and a bit of mulch to your lawn grass
Material (such as decaying leaves, bark, or compost) spread around or over a plant to enrich or insulate the soil.
Glass Bottles:
- How long does this resource take to decompose?
500 Years- Forever?
2. What resource / fossil fuel are they made from?
Glass is made of abundant natural raw material such as sand and glass waste (cullet)
3. How does making this object contribute to climate change?
Recycling glass bottles is really good for the environment because it can save a lot of the energy used in the manufacturing process of glass from raw materials. And there are also applications which can turn waste glass into building materials, concrete, and paving applications, in place of sand and other natural resources.
4. How is this resource recycled?
A consumer throws glass into a recycle bin,then glass is taken from the recycle bin and will be taken to a glass treatment plant. The glass will then be sorted by color and washed to remove any impurities. The glass will then be crushed and will be melted, and is then moulded into new products such as bottles and jars.
Plastic Bottles:
2. What resource / fossil fuel are they made from?
3. How does making this object contribute to climate change? 80% of plastic water bottles end up in landfills, each bottle leaks harmful chemicals into our environment along the way as it decomposes.
4. How is this resource recycled?
1. First they check the bottom of the bottle
2. Take the cap off
3. Rinse the plastic bottle with water
4. Remove the label and plastic seal if necessary
5. Then with the other bottles..repeat the process
6. Consider crushing the bottles if there is a lot
7. Put the bottles into the bag.
Plastic Bottles:
- How long does this resource take to decompose?
2. What resource / fossil fuel are they made from?
3. How does making this object contribute to climate change? 80% of plastic water bottles end up in landfills, each bottle leaks harmful chemicals into our environment along the way as it decomposes.
4. How is this resource recycled?
1. First they check the bottom of the bottle
2. Take the cap off
3. Rinse the plastic bottle with water
4. Remove the label and plastic seal if necessary
5. Then with the other bottles..repeat the process
6. Consider crushing the bottles if there is a lot
7. Put the bottles into the bag.
- How long does this resource take to decompose?
2. What resource / fossil fuel are they made from?
Styrofoam is a type of plastic product, so it is petroleum based meaning it is made from oil.
3. How does making this object contribute to climate change? When Styrofoam is burnt for energy or for disposal, it is released into the environment, leading to air pollution and health problems when inhaled by people and animals.
4. How is this resource recycled?
? Maybe find a drop off site for Styrofoam in your area.
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