
Friday, September 11, 2020

End of life choice referendum

 In politics hurumanu we are learning about the government. Today we have been learning about referendum, which is a general vote by an individual and they have to vote yes or no. People who are allowed to vote have to be 18 years old or over, be a citizen or permanent resident of New Zealand, they have to suffer from a terminal illness that likely to end their life within 6 months, have a significant and ongoing decline in physical capability, experience unbearable suffering that cannot be eased and they have to be able to make an informed decision about assisted dying. There are some negatives and positives about voting, some negatives can be that doctors who are assigned to give patients the medicine might not feel comfortable doing this because doctors are the ones who help treat or save people. A positive is that the end of life choice is helping people with terminal illness and letting them decide not anyone else. I think that any age can vote or maybe those 10 years old and under, maybe their parents can help them decide?. 

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