
Monday, September 13, 2021

Yellow Brick Road

  •  Where is he from? - Waiuhi, near Gisborne, New Zealand) 
  • How many of his works have been adapted into films? - 5 
  • What does " Yellow Brick Road" mean for you? - A brick road that is yellow
  • How you ever heard this expression before? - Yes
  • What do you predict this story will be about, based on the title?- About something to do with a pathway

1. Why does the narrator (speaker) believe they are moving to Wellington
 - To have a better life, because waituhi and wellington is a big difference, wellingtion has more oppportuinites while waithui you have to do labour work, but obviously the parents wants whats best for their children

2. On Page 1, what big difference between Waituhi and Wellington does the narrator mention?
- They will make lots of money and be rich as anything because Wellington is where the money is. And the son belives you obviously have to go where they money is, and there is no use in staying in Waituhi and being poor.  And lots more of pakeha there, makes him feel scared. 

3. On Page 3, we find out that Dad told Uncle Sam they were moving to Wellington because there are no more jobs back home, plenty of seasonal workers, but he and Hine had enough of that. 
( Fresh start & bring his kids up with a better life) 

4. How does the narrator's attitude towards moving change once they nearer to the city?
- He was happy at first but started to get nervous when they nearly got there.

5. Emerald City, Yellow Brick Road, Flying Monkeys, scarecrow, tinman and cowardly lion, are all illusions ( refrences ) to what famous book? Why do you think the author made this comparasion ?
- It has the same mening ( yellow brick road) of this specific scene

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rarotonga there are lot of interesting facts in this blog post I like how you have added a picture of him so we can see what he looks likes. Next time you should add his name. Great work Rartonga keep it up did you enjoy the story?
